Tuesday 10 May 2011

Chocolate Fudge and cream oreo brownies.

What do you do when you have a good friend coming over for a catch up and nothing to eat, make brownies!!! This is the second time I've made these and they were so much better the second time around. I used the right sized tin and although they were a little runny in the middle I didn't cook them quite as long. Also second time around I didn't bother grating the chocolate. I've decided its just a waste of time and good chocolate, most of it ends up all over your hands and it takes forever, so don't bother, especially if it's going to be melted anyway!

The only problem with these brownies was Zoe, not only did she pinch half my piece while I was out of the room but then she tried to take some more after asking me! She'd already had her own little slice, cheeky monkey! But it was a very welcome smell on a dark afternoon after all the sunshine. Of course with toddlers around you don't really get the chance to savour your food as they are either eating yours or distracting you but we finally managed to wolf them down and hide the rest from the sticky fingers!

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