Well it has been a while! I made this cake as my birthday cake back in January. As far as the cake itself is concerned it's a pretty straight forward sponge with buttercream icing. The magic comes with the decoration. I didn't quite manage to get the brilliant red that Lorraine achieves. I think I got a bit uneasy about the amount of colouring that was going in, and it looks a lot darker in the jug before you start pouring it out.
I was quite pleased with the result but I did have a lot of problems lifting it once I'd poured it. It completely stuck to the greaseproof paper, so when it went on the cake it was definitely a jigsaw finding the right space for the pieces I had. So I finally managed to get the cake surrounded by the sugar and very proud of my work until I came to putting it into the box to take it to work the next day. There was no way the lid was going on, my graffiti was too tall!! Thankfully I didn't take a picture of that version, it all got a bit bent.